2013年12月10日 星期二



  這次上課,老師也像上個禮拜一樣,一上課就小考,這些也是老師講ISBD講到的內容,上次有認真的把重點標記,這次寫來得心應手,考完試後,老師馬上檢討,才發現複習的重要,也對ISBD更加印象深刻,後來,老師教MARC的結構和ISO 2709格式的相關符號,印象深刻的是ISO 2709格式的相關符號,在一串沒人看得懂的字串裡以為是亂碼,其實每個符號都是有規則和用意的,現在才知道原來這一串是要給機器讀取用的啊!


20105ISBD Review Group的中國籍委員是誰
顾犇(Ben Gu)

cartographic resources
electronic resources
moving images
multimedia resources
notated music resources
printed texts
sound recordings
still images

 make records from different sources interchangeable, so that records produced in one country can be easily accepted in library catalogues or other bibliographic lists in any other country;
 assist in the interpretation of records across language barriers, so that records produced for users of one language can be interpreted by users of other languages;
 assist in the conversion of bibliographic records to electronic form;
 enhance interoperability with other content standards.

正題名不包括並列題名(1.3)及其他題名資料(1.4), 包括又名及其連結詞; 部、補篇、集等自身的題名不足以辨識時, 它們的正題名應包括主體作品的題名。沒有共同題名的作品, 應視為無正題名的作品(參見1.6)。題名以多種語文呈現時, 參照其他ISBD決定其正題名。
title proper
the chief title of a resource, i.e. the title of a resource in the form in which it appears on the prescribed sources of information for the title and statement of responsibility area. The title proper includes any alternative title, but excludes parallel titles and other title information. In the case of a section or some supplements and some titles of subseries or parts, the title proper can consist of two or more components: the common title (or the title of the main series or of the multipart monographic resource), the dependent title and the dependent title designation. For resources containing several individual works the title proper is the collective title. Resources containing several individual works and lacking a collective title are considered not to have a title proper. A series or subseries also has its own title proper (See also common title, dependent title, dependent title designation)

第一及後續著者敘述祗是先後順序的區別, 沒有指示其重要性。即使是匿名或無名, 也要著錄著者敘述。同一著者敘述裡, 有多位個人或團體時, 依照編目機構的規定, 依序著錄指定數量的個人或團體; 省略的部份置於方括號裡, 以省略符號(...)"et al."或其他文字裡的同等字串表示。
statement of responsibility
one or more names, phrases or groups of characters relating to the identification and/or function of any persons or corporate bodies responsible for or contributing to the creation or realisation of the intellectual or artistic content of a work. Statements of responsibility may occur in conjunction with titles (e.g. the title proper, parallel titles, titles of individual works contained in the resource, titles in series/subseries statements) or in conjunction with edition statements

. –#[S.l.]#: Publisher
not . –##[S.l.]##: Publisher
Editorial comment: The character “#” is used in this example only as a means of showing spacing and does not actually appear in a bibliographic record.

. – 3rd ed.. –
not . – 3rd ed. –
And then ... . – 4th ed.
not And then ... – 4th ed.
by J. Smith, Esq.. –
not by J. Smith, Esq. –

. – [S.l.] : [s.n.]
not . – [S.l. : s.n.]
. – [2nd ed.]. – [S.l.] : [s.n.]
not . – [2nd ed.]. – [S.l. : s.n.]
. – ([Historical instruments at the Victoria and Albert Museum] ; [4])
not . – ([Historical instruments at the Victoria and Albert Museum ; 4])

ISO 2709格式
ISO 646符號集的 IS3, 十六進位值為 1D
ISO 646符號集的 IS2, 十六進位值為 1E
ISO 646符號集的 IS1, 十六進位值為 1F
ISO 646符號集的空白符號, 十六進位值為 20

ISO 2709 (磁帶格式)指的是一份國際標準,,規範在資訊及文獻領域裡,以磁帶交換書目資訊時,應該遵守的登錄格式,以便為各系統所接受。
→從應用層面來說, 這個格式不含任何控制符號, 純粹祗有資料, 也就是一個個位元組接續構成的書目資訊, 可以用任何文書處理軟體看到其內容, 祗是不應以人工方式變動其內容, 尤其不能增刪任何一個位元組; 因為很多內容係經過軟體的計算而得來的, 牽一髮而動全身, 沒有任何編目軟體允許編目員在這個格式下做任何的調整。

1.3. A MARC 21 format is a set of codes and content designators defined for encoding machine-readable records. Formats are defined for five types of data: bibliographic, holdings, authority, classification, and community information.
1.3.1. MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data contains format specifications for encoding data elements needed to describe, retrieve, and control various forms of bibliographic material. The MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data is an integrated format defined for the identification and description of different forms of bibliographic material. MARC 21 specifications are defined for books, serials, computer files, maps, music, visual materials, and mixed material. With the full integration of the previously discrete bibliographic formats, consistent definition and usage are maintained for different forms of material.
1.3.2. MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data contains format specifications for encoding data elements pertinent to holdings and location data for all forms of material.
1.3.3. MARC 21 Format for Authority Data contains format specifications for encoding data elements that identify or control the content and content designation of those portions of a bibliographic record that may be subject to authority control.
1.3.4. MARC 21 Format for Classification Data contains format specifications for encoding data elements related to classification numbers and the captions associated with them. Classification records are used for the maintenance and development of classification schemes.

1.3.5. MARC 21 Format for Community Information provides format specifications for records containing information about events, programs, services, etc. so that this information can be integrated into the same public access catalogs as data in other record types.

