2014年3月25日 星期二

0326 RDA作業

正題名及著者敘述 那些年我們一起追的女孩 / 九把刀作.
出版項 臺北市 : 春天出版 ; 臺北縣新店市 : 楨德圖書總經銷, 2011.
版本項 初版.
稽核項 285, [2]面 : 彩圖 ; 21公分 + 1張光碟片
叢書名 愛九把刀 ; 4.
    愛九把刀 ; 4.
國際標準書號 9789867135575 (平裝附光碟) : 新臺幣260元

 Title proper 那些年我們一起追的女孩
Statement of responsibility
 Statement of responsibility relating to title proper (if more than one, only the first recorded is required) 九把刀
Edition statement
 Designation of edition 初版
 Designation of a named revision of an edition
Numbering of serials(連續性出版品期別編號)
 Numeric and/or alphabetic designation of first issue or part of sequence (for first or only sequence)
 Chronological designation of first issue or part of sequence (for first or only sequence)
 Numeric and/or alphabetic designation of last issue or part of sequence (for last or only sequence)
 Chronological designation of last issue or part of sequence (for last or only sequence)
Production statement
 Date of production (for a resource in an unpublished form)
Publication statement
 Place of publication (if more than one, only the first recorded is required) 臺北市
 Publisher’s name (if more than one, only the first recorded is required) 春天出版
 Date of publication 2013
Distribution statement
 Place of distribution (for a published resource, if place of publication not identified; if more than one, only the first recorded is required) 臺北縣新店市
 Distributor’s name (for a published resource, if publisher not identified; if more than one, only the first recorded is required) 楨德圖書總經銷
 Date of distribution (for a published resource, if date of publication not identified) 2011
Manufacture statement
 Place of manufacture (for a published resource, if neither place of publication nor place of distribution identified;if more than one, only the first recorded is required)
 Manufacturer's name (for a published resource, if neither publisher nor distributor identified; if more than one, only the first recorded is required)
 Date of manufacture (for a published resource, if neither date of publication, date of distribution, nor copyright date identified)
Copyright date
 Copyright date (if neither date of publication nor date of distribution identified)
Series statement
 Title proper of series 愛九把刀
 Numbering within series 4
 Title proper of subseries
 Numbering within subseries
Identifier for the manifestation(識別項)
 Identifier for the manifestation (if more than one, prefer an internationally recognized identifier if applicable) 9789867135575(平裝附光碟)
Carrier type(載體類型)
 Carrier type 文字印刷本
 Extent (only if the resource is complete or if the total extent is known) 285, [2]面 : 彩圖 ; 21公分 + 1張光碟片




.RDA: Resource Description and Access

The data created using RDA to describe a resource are designed to assist users performing the following tasks.

find(查找)—i.e., to find resources that correspond to the user’s stated search criteria
identify(辨認)—i.e., to confirm that the resource described corresponds to the resource sought, or to distinguish between two or more resources with similar characteristics
select(選擇)—i.e., to select a resource that is appropriate to the user’s needs
obtain(獲取)—i.e., to acquire or access the resource described.

以上定義根據FRBR 1998年書目記錄功能需求

The data created using RDA to describe an entity associated with a resource (a person, family, corporate body, concept, etc.) are designed to assist users performing the following tasks.

find(查找)—i.e., to find information on that entity and on resources associated with the entity
identify(辨認)—i.e., to confirm that the entity described corresponds to the entity sought, or to distinguish between two or more entities with similar names, etc.
clarify(澄清)—i.e., to clarify the relationship between two or more such entities, or to clarify the relationship between the entity described and a name by which that entity is known
understand(理解)—i.e., to understand why a particular name or title, or form of name or title, has been chosen as the preferred name or title for the entity.

以上定義根據Functional Requirement for Authority Data 2009年權威資料功能需求

.0.1 Key Features

RDA provides a flexible and extensible framework(框架) for the description of resources produced and disseminated(散播) using digital technologies while also serving the needs of agencies organizing resources produced in non-digital formats.

RDA is designed to take advantage of the efficiencies and flexibility in data capture(資料捕捉), storage(儲存), retrieval(取回), and display(扮演) made possible with new database technologies. RDA is also designed to be compatible with the legacy technologies still used in many resource discovery applications.3(新科技可以容納舊科技)

In RDA, there is a clear line of separation between the guidelines and instructions on recording data and those on the presentation of data. This separation has been established in order to optimize flexibility in the storage and display of the data produced using RDA. Guidelines and instructions on recording data are covered in chapters 1 through 37; those on the presentation of data are covered in appendices D and E.

0.2 Relationship to Other Standards for Resource Description and Access(RDA不會單獨存在,也不是標準,仍要配合其他標準規定)

RDA is built on foundations established by the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR) and the cataloguing traditions on which it was based.

Instructions derived from AACR have been reworked to produce a standard that will be easier to use, more adaptable, and more cost-efficient in its application. A key factor in the design of RDA has been the need to integrate data produced using RDA into existing databases developed using AACR and related standards.

Other key standards used in developing RDA include the International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD), the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data,  and the MARC 21 Format for Authority Data. 

The RDA element set is compatible with ISBD, MARC 21, and Dublin Core. For mappings of the RDA element set to ISBD and MARC 21.

RDA also conforms to the RDA/ONIX(原本是給書本和經銷商用) Framework for Resource Categorization.

2014年3月18日 星期二

0312 FRBR作業

正題名及著者敘述 那些年我們一起追的女孩 / 九把刀作.
出版項 臺北市 : 春天出版 ; 臺北縣新店市 : 楨德圖書總經銷, 2011.
版本項 初版.
稽核項 285, [2] : 彩圖 ; 21公分 + 1張光碟片
叢書名 愛九把刀 ; 4.
    愛九把刀 ; 4.
國際標準書號 9789867135575 (平裝附光碟) : 新臺幣260

類型 愛情、劇情
片長 1時50分
導演 九把刀
演員 柯震東、《聽說》陳妍希、《新烏龍院》郝劭文、《艋舺》蔡昌憲、敖犬、彎彎、鄢勝宇
發行公司 福斯

出版項 臺北市 : 台灣索尼音樂, 2011
版本項  家用版.

稽核項  1片DVD(約90分) : 有聲, 彩色 ; 4 3/4吋.

附註 v.2為幕後花絮.

   中文發音, 中文字幕.

主題 電影片.電影系列


正題名 怪醫黑傑克典藏版 1
著者敘述 手塚治虫;周昭駿譯
出版項 萬里機構.萬里書店, 2013
稽核項 288, [2] : 彩圖;14.6cmx21cm
國際標準書號 9789621452177(平裝):新台幣80元

原作 手塚治虫
導演 手塚真
人物設定 神村幸子、杉野昭夫、瀨谷新二、內田裕、西城隆詞、西田正義
製作 讀賣電視台、手塚製作
播放電視台 日本 讀賣電視台、日本電視台、香港 翡翠台、J2、Animax、中華民國 台視、東森電影台、八大綜合台
播放期間 2004年10月11日-2006年3月6日
播放時間 一集30分鐘
集數 63集


1.Group 1 Entities and Primary Relationships

2.Group 2 Entities and ”Responsibility” Relationships




以上的我(Person)可換成團體(Corporate Body)

2014年3月11日 星期二




2.1. Convenience of the user. Decisions taken in the making of descriptions and controlled
forms of names for access should be made with the user in mind.
2.2. Common usage. Vocabulary used in descriptions and access should be in accord with that
of the majority of users.
2.3. Representation. Descriptions and controlled forms of names should be based on the way
an entity describes itself.
2.4. Accuracy. The entity described should be faithfully portrayed.
2.5. Sufficiency and necessity. Only those data elements in descriptions and controlled forms
of names for access that are required to fulfil user tasks and are essential to uniquely
identify an entity should be included.
2.6. Significance. Data elements should be bibliographically significant.
2.7. Economy. When alternative ways exist to achieve a goal, preference should be given to
the way that best furthers overall economy (i.e., the least cost or the simplest approach).
2.8. Consistency and standardization. Descriptions and construction of access points should be
standardized as far as possible. This enables greater consistency, which in turn increases
the ability to share bibliographic and authority data.
2.9. Integration. The descriptions for all types of materials and controlled forms of names of all
types of entities should be based on a common set of rules, insofar as it is relevant.

2.1. 讀者的便利性。在對著錄以及用以檢索的名稱的受控形式作出抉擇時應該考慮到讀者。
2.2. 通用性。在著錄與檢索中使用的詞彙應與大多數讀者所用的詞彙相一致。
2.3. 表達性。著錄以及名稱的受控形式應按實體描述其本身的方式來確定。
2.4. 準確性。應如實描述被著錄的實體。
2.5. 充分性與必備性。只應包含那些在著錄以及用以檢索的名稱的受控形式中對完成讀者任務所必需的,以及對唯一識別某一實體所必不可缺的數據單位。
2.6. 有意義。數據單位應具有目錄學意義。
2.7. 經濟性。當達到某一目標存在多種途徑時,應選擇整體經濟性最佳的途徑(即費用最少或方法最簡單)
2.8. 一致性與標準化。應盡可能實現著錄與確立檢索點工作的標準化。這樣能夠取得更大的一致性,從而提高共享書目數據與規範數據的能力。
2.9. 集成化。各類文獻的著錄以及各類實體名稱的受控形式應在適用範圍内基於一套共同的規則。

團體(corporate body

抓取(acquire)或存取(obtain access)所著錄的文獻



作者        九把刀
書名        那些年我們一起追的女孩 / 九把刀作.
出版項    臺北市 : 春天出版 ; 臺北縣新店市 : 楨德圖書總經銷, 2011.
版本項    初版.
稽核項    285, [2] : 彩圖 ; 21公分 + 1張光碟片
叢書名    愛九把刀 ; 4.
                愛九把刀 ; 4.
國際標準書號        9789867135575 (平裝附光碟) : 新臺幣260


類型 劇情、愛情
片長 1時50分
導演 九把刀
演員 柯震東、《聽說》陳妍希、《新烏龍院》郝劭文、《艋舺》蔡昌憲、敖犬、彎彎、鄢勝宇
發行公司 福斯

書名        那些年, 我們一起追的女孩 [錄影資料] You are the apple of my eye.
出版項    臺北市 : 台灣索尼音樂, 2011.
版本項    家用版.
稽核項    1DVD(90) : 有聲, 彩色 ; 4 3/4.
附註        v.2為幕後花絮.
                中文發音, 中文字幕.
摘要        柯景騰讀國中時是一個成績暴爛而且又調皮搗蛋的男生, 老師將他“托付”給班上優秀的女生沈佳儀. 只要他不認真學習, 沈佳儀就會用鋼筆戳他的衣服. 在沈佳儀的監督和鼓勵下, 柯景騰的成績就像芝麻開花節節高, 漸漸地, 他也喜歡上了氣質優雅的沈佳儀. 但是柯景騰卻不敢向心愛的女生表白, 因為幾乎被所有男生喜歡的沈佳儀對追求她的男生一律有一種反感, 她只想好好學習, 不希望別人介入自己的生活. 但是, 為何沈佳儀唯獨願意把心事與柯景騰分享呢? 她對他究竟有沒有別樣的感覺呢? 柯景騰暗戀沈佳儀八年最終能否修得正果呢? .
主題        電影片.
其他書名           You are the apple of my eye
OTHER TITLE   那些年我們一起追的女孩